Jul 10, 2020 • 2 minutes read

How I get my daily dose of #MEMpower, #Intune,...

Someone send me the tweet below and I could only nod and 🤣. But it got me thinking...


It's not that I've already run out of ideas or stuff I want to write about...
But it is really hard to create a high quality blogpost for people to read while also having a job, family and kids but most importantly the focus and determination to write it at the end of the day.

So almost like a #FF (Follow Friday) on twitter I've listed all the blogs from my fellow #MEMpowered, #Intune,... people that I follow. I've seen the question pop up a lot for who to follow. With this list I'm sure you will get pretty far, let's hope I helped you discover some new blogs. One thing I'm sure about is these people deliver some premium quality.

❗ This list are blogs that I follow that doesn't mean these are the only ones. ❗

⭐ I've also included the twitter profile of the blogger next to the 🌐. So you could make it a real follow friday if you want!